How are you five? It can’t be true. It feels like just yesterday that we brought you home from the hospital and then dipped your toes in the Atlantic Ocean two weeks later. Now, you are an independent little dude who we have to pull out of the ocean at the end of the day.
You love your boogie board. You love your doggies. You love your food, especially cake. And, you love life!
It amazes me how much you love life. You wake up each morning around 6:30 ready to take on the world. You put on your Sunday best in the middle of the week just to attend swimming lessons.
You are kind, caring, funny and loving. You adore your mother and can’t get enough hugs from her. When someone is sick, you give them a kiss on the forehead and always ask if they are feeling better.
Toy Story is a must on a rainy day at the shore and I’d venture a guess that Buzz Lightyear is your favorite of all the characters.
We knew that raising boys would be an adventure, with plenty of injuries. But, boy oh boy, we weren’t prepared for your no-fear attitude. There’s almost nothing out there that scares you.
You love adventures near and far. Walking to the southern tip of Ocean City to dip your toes in Corson’s Inlet, spotting horseshoe crabs along the way, was quite the adventure for your little legs.
To say Mommy and I have been blessed to be your parents is an understatement. You bring joy to our lives and all those who know you. Never stop smiling, laughing, telling jokes (waka-waka) and enjoying everything you do in life.
I know it’s a little late, but Happy 5th Birthday, Lorenzo!
We love you with all of our heart.