Tony (And Enzo) Climb to the Top of the Cape May Lighthouse
This past Sunday we decided to put the boys in the car (“It’s a truck”) and take a ride to Cape May. Tony had never been to the Cape May…
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Adventures in Potty Training: Part Four
It has been a week and a half, so I think it is safe to say that we have successfully potty trained Tony! The decision to resume potty training was…
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Enzo Enjoyed His Smash Cake on the Beach
It has been a good couple of days since we last published an article, but things have been pretty crazy around here. As many of you know, Enzo turned one…
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Life with Tony and Enzo Reaches the One-Year Mark
Today is July 29, 2015 for those of you who are on summer time. This means that Life with Tony and Enzo is officially one-year-old today. The website launched three…
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Adventures in Potty Training: Part Three
Friday was an incredibly successful day in our potty training adventure with Tony. He wore big boy underwear almost the entire day and even used his Elmo potty multiple times….
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