As I sit down to write this post, Tony and Enzo are doing their own thing. Tony is building lego sets and Enzo is playing with a fire truck. The dogs are fighting over a bone. Nicole is enjoying a good book. And, me, I’m taking it all in minute by minute.
Life flies by so fast it can be hard to slow things down and really take it all in. But, you at least need to try to slow time to enjoy all life has to offer.
There haven’t been many posts of late on Life with Tony and Enzo. Life has gotten in the way. But, I’d rather sit back and experience life with my boys and wife than document every second of it at every turn.
Father’s Day has always been something special. I’ve been able to learn how to be a dad from an incredible father and father-in-law during my life. Seeing the example they set before and after I became a dad has made my transition to a dad as easy as anyone could ever imagine.
It became even more special when Tony was born. It gained even greater importance when Enzo came along.
So, what does it mean to be a dad?
To me, being a dad means late nights to finish work that was put aside during the day to spend time with the boys.
To me, being a dad means early mornings when the boys jump into bed around dawn.
To me, being a dad means holding a hand while strolling the boardwalk, crossing the street, or simply sitting on the couch because one of the boys wants their hand held.
To me, being a dad means receiving endless and unconditional love from the boys no matter what type of mood I am in or what I look like or how I am dressed.
To me, being a dad means having the opportunity to impart my wisdom (or what very little of it I have) onto my boys.
To me, being a dad means getting to teach my boys humility, manners, respect and how to speak to adults.
To me, being a dad means going up to bed well after midnight after a long night at the firehouse or after working and sneaking one more kiss on their foreheads.
To me, being a dad means being blessed to watch the boys learn new things (like riding a bike or hitting a baseball) and excel in school.
To me, being a dad means having an incredible sense of pride in everything the boys do.
To me, being a dad means that whenever I hear a little one say, “Hey Dad,” I will know that it’s me they are calling.
To me, being a dad means that every breath I take is for my children and no longer for myself.
Each day that comes brings new challenges, obstacles, and opportunities that I would have never had the pleasure of experiencing if it weren’t for being a dad.
With all of that said, Happy Father’s Day to all those who have someone looking up to you, no matter their age or your relationship to them.