For all of us who have children, they can be quite troublesome when they learn how to talk. Things can really get interesting when daddy cannot keep his potty mouth in check when around the children.
Other issues arise when we are watching television and Tony decides to repeat everything he hears on the tube. Obviously, we have not adjusted well to having a talking toddler in the house yet.
For all of the bad things Tony says, he comes up with some dandies that really make us laugh more often than not.
One of those comments came tonight not long before bedtime, when mommy asked Tony to put on his pajamas. He pulled up his minion pants and began to button his minion shirt.
Mommy told Tony to put his shirt on like a coat, one arm at a time. Tony responded with, “Yea, like Frasier. He wears a coat too.”
Yes folks, our two and a half year old son dropped a reference to “Frasier” on a chilly Friday night. I will admit it; I love to watch classic sitcoms and Tony knows the majority of them by their theme songs. He can identify “Cheers,” “Frasier,” “Will & Grace” and even “Roseanne.”
Now, we know these aren’t exactly the best shows for us to be watching while he is in the room, but we could do worse.
Tony has absolutely no filter, which seems to be a pattern in this family, as he told Grandmom that she smelled bad this morning. I mean, the woman wasn’t even in the door for 15 minutes and he told her she didn’t smell good.
Grandmom couldn’t believe it, but she made me sniff her arm to see if she smelled. All I could smell was perfume. I guess Tony did not like the scent she chose to wear on Friday. And of course, Grandmom said she would have to make a point not to wear that scent again around him. Who gives in to a child like this? Our family does, that’s who.
To stay on the topic of Tony saying the darndest things, he has picked up a new habit that has been driving us nuts lately. Tony walks around the house picking up random items, stuff that is not even his, and drops the line “I need it.”
He will pick up a pack of wipes and say, “I need it.” Or, he will walk around with one of our glasses and say, “But, I need it.” This child needs anything and everything he comes into contact with around the house and sometimes it ends in a ton of tears when we remove the item from his grasp.
Keeping in line with our theme today, Tony has difficulty differentiating between the words aunt and uncle. I have an Uncle Jimmie and an Uncle Kevin. Our close friends are Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Patti.
The thing is, Tony thinks that everyone should be called Uncle, so he always says “Uncle Jimmy and Uncle Patti.” The funny thing is that he still calls his Aunt Kathy aunt, his Aunt Carol aunt and his Aunt Meme Aunt. He has no issues there. It is just with Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Patti. More than likely it is due to him having two uncles with the name Jim.
What were some of the funniest things your children said at a young age? Use our comments section to start the conversation and embarrass your children at the same time.
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